Northern Mom

You'll find topics of all kinds I'm sure! I only wish that I had more time to devote to blogging. Maybe some day when Jo is a little older I'll be able to do daily entries....maybe

The WeatherPixie
Some Favourite Blogs
  • Postcards from the Mothership
  • Blog Pourri
  • The Emma Report
  • Life is the beach
  • Hanging in there
  • Silver Creek Musings
  • the thinking square
  • So Close
  • The Infertile Turtle
  • Ordinary Stuff
  • Molly Misadventure
  • a peek inside the fish bowl
  • All The Blogs I Read
    Knitting Links
    Learn to Make it
  • Top Secret Recipes
  • Recipe Goldmine
  • Tuesday, June 27, 2006
    Nature or Nurture?
    This is my sister when she was 4 or 5, maybe younger

    This is Jo last September!

    Some resemblance?

     Posted by Picasa
    posted by Northern Mom @ 10:51 p.m.   5 comments
    Sunday, June 25, 2006
    Sunday in the Sun
    Considering the weather forecast called for rain today, we only got a few drops. Jo had a great time in the pool with her friend Madison! They played in the sandbox, had a swim, a picnic and then played with sidewalk chalk! So far the best investment we have made this year is the paved driveway! It's awesome!

    We are housesitting for friends of ours who travel a fair bit. They get away more in the winter months because they have this amazing yard that is a full time job to look as beautiful as it does. They have travelled off to Southern Ontario this weekend to celebrate a 40th birthday and they will be home for a day or two and then are flying off to Moncton. So that means for most of the long weekend we have full use of the yard, pool and house. It's like a mini vacation for us. Jo was hesitant to go in the pool today, but did have a great time in the sauna. I'm aiming for good weather next weekend!

    Seven come Eleven!

    After reading Nancy's post about her anniversary, I can't top it! But come Friday we will have been married for 11 years. I'm sorta playing with the idea of sending Jo to Gramma's for the night and maybe after dinner going for a sauna, swim and maybe spend the night......We'll have to see how the week goes.

    Thursday we are off to see Dora, Boots and Diego! I have taken the entire day off work and Krazzy K and I will have girls day with Jo! Hubby is on a huge job this week so we won't see much of him at all. I guess I'll have to wait until Thursday to see how far they are to see if Friday can be planned out.

    I took Jo downtown today. I blogged way back when about how quiet it is downtown. I wanted to go to Hart (it's an upscale(?) version of Giant Tiger) to buy these clear plastic sweater boxes that are great for storing my wool in. Jo was a real trooper and it was great mommy and Jo time. I remember as a kid going to this same shopping center and being afraid of the escalator. I recall thinking that if I didn't step off it right away that I would go "under" the moving part of the stairs. I out grew that fear and learned that it's a whole lot easier to just stand and get your butt moved up to the next level and not have to exert any energy. Jo saw the escalator today and we went up and then right back down after going into one store and then we had to do it a second time when we were getting ready to go home. She loved it! Silver Creek Mom can attest to that!

    I stopped in at the furniture store that I worked at all winter. It's beautiful, the furniture is beautiful and I think I'm glad that I took the position that I have now. The staff have all been taken off of there Unemployment and there isn't much traffic in the store at all. One told me that she made a whopping $27.00 this week, but won't even see that until August or September. Commissions don't get paid until the goods are delivered and there is no stock in the warehouse at all. It was a hard decision for me to make, but I think for now it's the right one. And in other good news, starting in July the company will be paying our entire benefit package. It will make a difference of almost $40.00 a week on Hubby's pay! Woohoo!

    I'm off to organize the yarn and maybe get the kitchen tidied before bed! Here is a shot of Jo tonight amongst the flowers!

    posted by Northern Mom @ 8:35 p.m.   4 comments
    Wednesday, June 21, 2006
    This was 2 weeks ago. I traced her and she added the hair, eyes and mouth

    Mosquito? Black Fly? We showed Daddy where the "Off" is kept so this won't be so bad next time

    In the big pool with Mom

    Dad's turn

     Posted by Picasa
    posted by Northern Mom @ 9:14 p.m.   3 comments
    The blog about nothing...
    I'm not sure I have anything to blog about.
    So I'll start with the meme from Twinmom that I should have tidied first...

    So, whats on my fridge

    1. Pics of friends and some of their parents
    2. A birthday card that should have been taken down long ago
    3. A business card from Hubby's cousin who paved the driveway
    4. Wooden Alphabets
    5. Assorted Magnets
    6. A letter Jo got from Nana
    7. On the side is the calendar and lots of other junk
    8. The other side that you can't see is full of magnets too

    See anybody familiar??

    Danigirl has me thinking about taking Jo to the dentist. We fight with her at least once a day to brush her teeth. I should call and make an appt for the fall. Maybe the dentist can stop her from sucking her thumb too. She only does it to fall asleep and then through some of the night. I've tried to pull it out when she is asleep and I get this one eye stare and she rolls away with it back in her mouth. I haven't been to the dentist in years. Maybe it's time to get us both in there.

    What else?

    I hope to get the basement finished this weekend. We really need to get the furnace guy in here and then decide if we need central air. I'm not sure that we really need it. The house is only 900 square feet and the little ones in the window keep my happy. If the house was bigger then I think it would be beneficial, but with nobody in the house all day and a full basement that is cool is enough for me? Any pros/cons? Northern Ontario can have some hot humid spells. In fact we can go from having the furnace on in the morning to needing AC in the afternoon. We also might go with some friends to Cuba in February and I'd rather that than Central Air. This will be the last year we will be able to go away and not have Jo miss school. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    I haven't been out golfing yet this year. I just find that after a full day of work and then trying to get stuff done in the house I just don't have the energy. Weekends are too short. Maybe I'll take a "Mommy Day" soon and get my butt out there.

    I'm having "L" over on Saturday to give me hand with Jo. Hubby is working and there is no getting anything done with Jo by myself. I need to clean closets and organize. If the weather is good then the two of them will hopefully be outside most of the day. This will be a test for "L" to see if she can look after Jo. I hate to nag on her, but if she can't do it when I'm here, then she can't do it when I'm not.

    Work has been exhausting this week. My main job is Accounts Receivable. There are 3 of us in the office. I have to learn the other 2 positions before mid July. There are 4 weeks of vacation to cover so I need to learn some of the admin stuff and this week I've been learning how to key all the inventory and payables. It's lots to absorb in a few days.

    Jo has been sleeping really well lately. (I'm knocking on wood) I am up before her most mornings and on the weekend Hubby and I both were awake at 730 and wondered why we were awake. Jo slept until 830!

    For nothing to blog about....I said alot!

    posted by Northern Mom @ 8:12 p.m.   5 comments
    Friday, June 16, 2006
    All about Krazzy K
    I hopped on over to Ordinary Stuff and am truly delighted that Krazy K is going to spend the summer with us. What I'm not pleased with is her sister.

    "L" used to be the sweetest and caring person. "K" on the other hand had to have her clothes just so, her hair had to be perfect and if things didn't go her way she stomped off mad as he!!. "L" was so easy going.

    Here's the history of how K and L came into my life.

    My sister had moved home from Ottawa and was pregnant with my nephew. She answered an add for a couple needing day care in their home and she started when L was just 2 and K was 4. When my nephew was born, I stepped in and watched the girls while my sister was adjusting to motherhood. One day my sister called almost in tears. Her husband was being transferred 5 hours from here and they would be moving. Long story short....I stayed on until L was 4 and starting school and K was headed into grade 1.

    It was a wonderful time. Even after they were both in school we kept in touch, had visits, had sleep overs we still had lots of fun. I took them to get their ears pieced, taught then to swim, ride a bike without training wheels and the list goes on. I used to got paid to watch them all week and then I'd take them for free on the weekends. We spent so much time together and all of it was great! As the girls got older, they were busy with friends and music lessons and with Hubby and I working there just wasn't as much time.

    Fast forward to when Jo was born. The girls were here all the time and then when I started working again and needed weekend sitters so K and L alternated weekends. In the beginning L was great. I never expected them to do any housework aside from picking up after themselves and Jo. Things were going great and then L started to slack off. I would come home and L would be sitting on the couch, the sink piled with dishes and toys everywhere. Jo was always dressed in her "Label" clothes. Here is when I really saw changes.

    L has become very snobbish in so many ways. She has changed from a carefree little girl into a young woman headed for trouble. The clothes have to have the right label, the hair and make up have to be perfect and don't dare have any kind of physical abnormality. I find it very sad. It doesn't matter that we are leaving in 15 minutes to go somewhere. If L thinks that her hair needs to be fixed and it's going to take longer then the entire world should stop for her and leave when she is ready. It's all about personal appearance. She never used to be like this. One day we were going to visit my mom and L dressed herself. She had on black leggings, a blue and white polka dot skirt with a plaid top and had necklaces on too. She thought she looked just great and she did! That has all changed.

    Now for K......
    She was and always will be her age going on 40. At 4 she would come to me with a blank paper and ask me to put some addition questions on it. She would run off to her corner and come back to see how many she got right. Her hair had to be parted just so, and if her pig tails or braids weren't quite even...Look out. She was a drama queen and could make a production out of just about anything. She liked her toast cut in fingers as opposed to triangles. Try and make a child eat toast that wasn't cut just right. Over the years K has matured and is a natural kind of chick. Make up is great, but if she isn't wearing it, then thats ok too. She goes above and beyond what most 14 year olds do. I don't have to ask or nag and most times have to make her stop. She is hands on with Jo. She gets down on her level and plays like an almost 3 year old does. She shows respect and I wouldn't question leaving her overnight with Jo.

    I feel badly that the 2 sisters aren't close. My sister and I are 7 years apart and we didn't have a closeness growing up because of the age difference and have gone through some major battles over the years, but now are "Sisters by chance and Friends by choice". I can only hope that one day they will become the friends that they once were. Being only 20 months apart they did everything just about the same when they were little. Maybe as time goes on and the maturity level grows maybe their relationship will grow too.

    At times I feel badly that K goes on the road trips with us and I have her over more, but I have enough trouble picking up after myself that I don't need to pick up after L too. At first I felt bad that I wasn't treating them fairly, but then realized that I wasn't being treated fairly either. With any luck maybe L will realize that there is more to life than clothes, beauty and her.

    Krazzy K will always be my first born and I will love her and her sister forever and for always.
    Maybe one of these days I'll scan some pics of both of them from over the years!
    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
    posted by Northern Mom @ 10:19 p.m.   3 comments
    Monday, June 12, 2006
    Thank Goodness for Cold Rainy Weekends....
    And yes, I just said that. With the awesome weather Jo has not wanted to be in the house, so very little has been done inside. I am almost caught up on laundry and have the rec room cleaned out and organized for Jo to play in and for Krazzy K to sleep in when whe takes up residence at the beginning of July. She will be with us all week and will be babysitting Jo along with an 8 and 5 year old from across the street. The kids will have full use of our yard and house and the other house across the street too so there should be very little boredome. K is really hands on with the kids, so I have no doubt that they will have a great summer. Between the 2 houses they will have 2 swing sets, our blow up pool, oodles of toys and craft stuff too. It should be a fun summer for all!

    The outside of the house is all done. The sod in the front was put down on Friday night and the numbers went on the house tonight. It's a good thing we order Pizza often and the delivery guys know which house it is. LOL I bought a mailbox and it is in the front yard too. I'll have to get a picture of the completed project. Now the really fun stuff starts....the inside. By getting the basement mucked out we are that much closer to getting a new furnace and maybe AC too. We are going to price a few different options and see which way to go.

    I'm off for tonight! Thanks for all the feedback on my rant on my last post. It felt good to get it all off of my chest.

    And before this comes to an end...Jo has been sleeping really well. She slept until 830 on Saturday and 8 on Sunday morning and we've had to wake her to get ready for daycare the last little bit. Maybe the 6 am wakings are done. See how I whispered that so I don't jinx it!
    posted by Northern Mom @ 9:59 p.m.   4 comments
    Friday, June 09, 2006
    Does "Mother" Really Need an Adjective in Front of it?
    Yesterday while I was waiting for my Dr's appt I picked up a magazine in the waiting room and started reading. It's a Canadian Publication (not that it makes much of a difference) and an article caught my eye. It seems that when I see the word adoption I have to read and can't pull myself away.
    This article was about a woman who had for 10 years been searching for her birth parents. She had been left at the door of a hospital in Northern British Columbia and there are no clues as to who gave birth to her or any medical background. It detailed her journey and how eveyone had been very supportive including her "Adoptive Parents". These 2 words together really p!ssed me off. Why does such an emphasis have to be put on how this family came together. That woman was and is that child's mother. This is the woman to whom the child ran too when she was hurt, this is who kissed the owies, consoled her and celebrated milestones. To me that is what makes a mom. It's not going through morning sickness or having stretch marks, it's about loving and caring for your child unconditionally.

    From the Websters Thesaurus and Dictionary

    Entry Word: mother
    Function: noun
    Text: a female human parent
    Synonyms ma, mama, mammy, mom, momma, mum [chiefly British]
    Related Words matriarch, matron

    Main Entry: adopt
    Pronunciation: &-'däpt
    Function: transitive verb
    Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French adopter, from Latin adoptare, from ad- + optare to choose
    1 : to take by choice into a relationship; especially : to take voluntarily (a child of other parents) as one's own child

    I suppose a post like this would have been more approriate in May with Mother's Day, but with Father's Day approaching it is somewhat suitable.

    The first summer with Jo we were off to camp with some really great friends. I was asked the question "How tall is her real dad?" I was really snotty with my response and said "Hubby is 6 foot 2 and her birth father is apparantly 6 foot 4". I was really embarrassed by the way I said it and emailed with an apology when we got home. I know that I shouldn't have been upset my friend for asking the way she did. I was just tired of answering so many questions. Most people who haven't had any experience with adoption don't understand. A woman that I work with has 2 sisters. I didn't realize until recently that her father was widowed when she was small and remarried a woman with a daughter. They then had one daughter together. While in church on day a lady approached the group of 3 daughters and posed the question, "Which one is adopted?" To which her mom replied, "You know, I really don't remember." The story was told to me with such adoration for her mom. She says that from then on she never questioned her mom's love for her.

    While we were at the wedding last weekend, I saw an old friend that I hadn't seen since highschool. She had no idea of our fertility struggles and had no idea that we adopted Jo. She gushed about how much Jo and I look alike. I walked away after a quick conversation because most times I feel guilty for not telling the truth. Is it wrong not to say anything? I asked a friend of mine who also adopted both of her children and she said that once her son starts school it will be his choice to tell people that he was adopted. I like her attitude! She then said that people won't ask what position you were in when your child is concieved, so really it's nobody's business but your own.

    When Jo was about a month old we were at a funeral and this woman looked at Jo and said to me, "Look at all her hair, you must have had such terrible heartburn." I said no and giggled to myself. It really wasn't a lie. I didn't have much heartburn at all before Jo was born.

    I often forget that Jo is adopted. I was with her in labour and delivery and brought her home a mere 20 hours after she was born. She is mine by choice and I don't think that I could have given birth to a child who has brought joy to so many lives. A month before Jo was born our neighbour's husband passed away. I would like to think that Jo helped her through the first, second and now into the third year by putting a smile on my neighbour's face now and then and maybe kept her mind off of her grief if only for a few minutes.

    I don't know if I got a point across with this, I'm not even sure if I ever had a point at all. I just know that I am Jo's mom and nothing will ever change that. We know that we won't keep her adoption a secret from her, but hope that one day when she is old enough to understand we will be the ones to tell her about her "tummy mummy" and that she will love her for giving us such a precious gift...our daughter.

    So am I her adoptive mother or am I just plain "Mommy"? I guess it doesn't really matter.....All that really matters at the end of the day is this:
    She is happy,
    She is healthy and
    She is mine

    I did a google search and came up with this link that I'm going to copy and paste a few things from.

    Our children are not ours because they share our genes...
    they are ours because we have had the audacity to envision them.
    That, at the end of the day...
    or long sleepless night, is how love really works.
    --- Unknown

    Not flesh of my flesh,
    Nor bone of my bone,
    But still miraculously my own.
    Never forget for a single minute,
    You didn't grow under my heart - but in it
    --- Fleur Conkling Heylinger

    Natural Child: Any child who is not artificial.
    Real Parent: Any parent who is not imaginary.
    Your Own Child: Any child who is not someone else's child.
    Adopted Child: A natural child, with a real parent, who is all my own.
    --- Rita Laws, PhD
    posted by Northern Mom @ 9:44 p.m.   8 comments
    Thursday, June 08, 2006
    Things are getting better...I think
    Results came back today and it turns out that Nana has been suffering from Salmonella. It's not a great option, but much better than her pancreas quitting on her. I'm sure it will take her time to bounce back (she is almost 84) so recovery will be slow going I'm sure.

    I went to see the Dr today and with my history it has been decided that I will have a hysterectomy. I'm glad in some ways that it will happen. The constant pain and the fact that my cycles have shortened to 24 days along with the rest of it. I tend to agree with him, but then there will be no turning back. We don't ever plan to do IVF again, but this makes it final. Hubby is upset that this will be major surgery, I don't think he realizes that this will be a finished chapter in our lives. There are no rewrites after this. I'm sure the reality of it all will sink in eventually. I am scheduled for September.

    Now for the renos.
    Yes Beach Mama the door is gone. Where the front door was will become my walk in closet. We put patio doors at the back in what will become the living room.

    So here's the list...
    Patio Door-Done
    Lay Sod in the front yard-being delivered tomorrow
    Clean out the basement so the furnace guy can come in-working on it
    Keep the basement tidy so the electrician cam come in-working on it
    Rebuild walls in the living room to become our bedroom
    Take out walls for the open kitchen/living room
    Build the Island in the Kitchen for my gas top stove
    Build in the built in oven
    Build more cupboards and a desk in the kitchen
    Paint the entire main floor

    So, as of this weekend the outdoor stuff should be finished and we can start on the inside. It's going to be a long summer......

    Off for tonight
    posted by Northern Mom @ 8:16 p.m.   1 comments
    Tuesday, June 06, 2006
    The Huge Catch Up
    It's been ages since I've updated anything. Things have been crazy around here and not getting any saner. I have sat down numerous times with good intentions and then I get reading other blogs and by the time I know it, it's time to go to bed.
    Where should I start??
    The Long Weekend in May had the worst weather ever I'm sure. It was cold and rainy, but Jo and I packed up anyhow and went to Manitoulin Island. We went from mittens to short sleeves in a mere 2 hour drive. We ended up not going to camp at all, but staying at the house in Little Current. Not quite the same as camp, but fun none the less with all the kids and the big folks too. Jo was almost perfect, aside from waking at 6am.....she has been sleeping until 7:30 the past few days.
    By the time we got home all of the window were changed, the siding was almost done on the back of the house and the guys were getting ready to start the driveway side. Hubby was on vacation all week so it was all done in time for him to do a little fishing before heading back to work.

    The outside of the house is now complete. I have a great new light at the back door and we had enough siding left to do the front of the garage so that it matches! The siding color is called Cedar and looks like this. It's not a great picture....I tried

    I'm going to start another post. It seems I've been cut off of picture privileges.

    posted by Northern Mom @ 11:26 p.m.   0 comments
    More Catching Up
    We had planned on heading to Renfrew/Calabogie early on Friday morning to do some visiting before going to a wedding on Saturday and then back home Sunday. On Thursday night the crew called to do this and put us a little behind schedule.

    It was almost worth it! We had hoped to get the driveway done last week, so that it would have no cars parked in it while we were away. That part worked out ok, but I would have loved more visiting time with my grandparents.

    I had called Nana on Wednesday to let her know that we would be bringing our own bedding and asked if she would like me to bring supper on Friday. She had been in bed for over a week, throwing up and the other end acting up too. When we did talk she said that she had seen the Dr and that she was to continue with Gravol and Imodium. Somewhere between the time that I talked to her on Wednesday and finally got to see her on Saturday morning, she had gone to the hospital and was told that her pancreas has stopped working. She looked awful and I don't think I've ever seen her looking so pale. My grandfather doesn't look well either. You can see the worry in his eyes. I know that I am very lucky to still have both of my grandparents, but I'm not ready to let them go. Jo loves her "Nanny Binky" and sat her with her this weekend and cuddled. All the way home, Jo kept telling us that Nanny Binky puked and was sick. During one of the cuddles Jo poked Nana with her elbow and told Jo she had a sharp arm. This got repeated over and over all the way home. My aunt said that if she wasn't better by mid week that she was going to take her back to the hospital. I'm hoping that no news is good news.

    So, it looks like I might be doing some travelling this summer. A few quick weekend trips if things don't improve. It looks like Hubby might have some full weekends with Jo, unless he comes with me. I guess it will all depend on how Nana is feeling. Maybe some hugs with that sharp part of Jo's arm might just do the trick!

    posted by Northern Mom @ 11:24 p.m.   1 comments
    The Wedding
    It's too bad that it rained all day in Renfrew. More than once folks told my cousin that it was good luck to get married in the rain. It didn't dampen anyones spirits though! We had a great time. We didn't make it to the ceremony. We spent some extra time visiting. By the time we did arrive on Friday night Nana and Grampa were already in bed.
    Jo was so well behaved! She danced for about 2 hours and when we took her to the hotel it was almost 10 and she kept saying "But, I want to go to the wedding". There were lots of kids to play and dance with and when her head finally hit the pillow (with some help from Krazy K) she stopped crying and slept until 730!
    She had to be tired.....

    She danced and danced and danced....

    We went for breakfast at the hotel on Sunday morning with my sister and her family. I think that's the first time we've done something like that! I actually tried to hold breakfast off as long as I could. I had a surprise for Jo and didn't want her to be disapointed if Baby Maggie didn't make it for a visit. Just as we were finishing up out breakfast I saw Baby Maggie's mom drive by in her car! You should have seen the look on Jo's face when she realized who was with me. I was a great visit, too short, but it was great to see all 3 of them. Maggie's big brother has gotten so big and watching run across the grass, he looks like he is going to be an athlete. You should see that boy run!

    The drive home was good. The traffic wasn't too bad and for the first time in 13 years of driving with hubby he actually turned the wheel over to me. I almost thought he was kidding. We did have a few stops along the way. Travelling with a toddler who is potty trained is not an easy thing. Thankfully the potty was close at hand. We used it on the way to and from, stopping at the next picnic area to dispose of the waste. I have a pic to poste, but I've been cut off again.

    Stay tuned.....

    posted by Northern Mom @ 11:21 p.m.   1 comments
    The good the bad and the ugly
    Here is the potty pic... as promised
    This is just before North Bay on the way home, seems that she liked that stretch...stopped a little closer to Mattawa on the way down.

    The good...
    My sister and her husband bought a house! It's big and has an apartment to suppliment the mortgage, and guess who's moving in? My brother! We just get him out of here and he's back with them again. At least this time it is a separate entrance!

    The bad...
    We thought that when my step dad's bloodwork came back that he was in the clear for at least the nest little bit. It turns out that when they operated on the lung, they did a random biopsy on another part of his lung and found another small tumor..malignant. They think it was too small to show in the blood work, so it may be Chemo for the summer......

    The ugly....
    My mom is not taking things well. It is her parents that I mentioned in previous posts and she was taken to one of the clinics here in town over the weekend and was checked for a stroke, but it might only be Bells Palsy. She has just gotten over a throat infection so she really needs this.

    It's been a whirlwind few weeks and I need to get myself into a routine so I can have some computer time in the evening. I miss posting and only take time to read some of my favorite blogs on breaks and while I'm eating my lunch. I think we need more rainy days(NOT) but it would make it so much easier to get supper on the table at 6 instead of 7:30. It's too nice outside and Jo (and me too) hate to be inside when the weather is so nice. The pool is set up now so there isn't even a remote chance of running inside to p, let alone start supper. I guess the routine will come.....

    We almost clean up prety good!

    posted by Northern Mom @ 10:44 p.m.   3 comments
    About Me

    Name: Northern Mom
    Home: Northern Ontario, Canada
    About Me: There isn't too much to tell. I'm Mommy to Jo, wife to Hubby. I'm the oldest of 3 siblings and 4 step siblings, Auntie to a whole bunch of kids and Great Auntie to a few as well! I'm back to working 9-5 with no weekends or nights so keeping up with everything is a challenge!
    See my complete profile
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