Northern Mom

You'll find topics of all kinds I'm sure! I only wish that I had more time to devote to blogging. Maybe some day when Jo is a little older I'll be able to do daily entries....maybe

The WeatherPixie
Some Favourite Blogs
  • Postcards from the Mothership
  • Blog Pourri
  • The Emma Report
  • Life is the beach
  • Hanging in there
  • Silver Creek Musings
  • the thinking square
  • So Close
  • The Infertile Turtle
  • Ordinary Stuff
  • Molly Misadventure
  • a peek inside the fish bowl
  • All The Blogs I Read
    Knitting Links
    Learn to Make it
  • Top Secret Recipes
  • Recipe Goldmine
  • Wednesday, November 29, 2006
    First Fight
    My strong and willful child looked like this when I picked her up at Daycare today.
    It seems that she and Jasmine got into a fight about a toy and both ended up looking about the same.

    We explained to Jo that Jasmine is younger and Jo is old enough to know how to share.
    They've been the same daycare for over a year now and Jo has been there more than half her life(LOL)
    I guess it was bound to happen.

    posted by Northern Mom @ 8:00 p.m.   5 comments
    Tuesday, November 28, 2006
    November 29th, 1974
    The day my entire life changed.

    I no longer had my own room, had to share my parents with another sibling and in time had a snoop of a little sister that ratted me out a time or two but who knew that she would become a friend that I can count on for anything!

    Today is my sister's birthday. 32 years ago I became the oldest of 3 siblings. It almost seems like yesterday that I watched her stand in her crib for the first time, put my brother's Match Box cars just out of reach so my mom could come into the living room to see her creeping for the first time. We shared a room, we shared bunkbeds, tears, laughter, the love of Roller Coasters, eBay, Value Village and Ikea.

    My sister and I have endured many ups and downs, arguements, joy, happiness and some secrets too. We have shared tears, laughs, frustration...the emotions...WOW! She thought I was cool and I thought she was a pest.

    There were a lot of years where we didn't talk.
    -Maybe the 7 year age difference
    -Maybe that I didn't give a second thought to who I was hurting and only thought of myself.
    -Maybe the differences in the way we were raised
    -Maybe it was a personality clash
    -Maybe it was none of the above, or all of the above and we weren't meant to be friends until we were older.

    During my first two IVF cycles my sister made a 7-9 hour journey from Blind River to Calabogie to keep my company for the first parts of each cycle. She was the only one who saw my growing follicles and we joked that she was seeing her neice or nephew before anyone else(if the cycle had worked). In March she drove home in a snowstorm and in June she brought her oldest son with her. When Jo was born she made a 3 hour day trip from Midland to Sudbury to meet her niece.

    She is loving and kind, willing to help out whenever needed. She is a wonderful mom to her 2 boys and a super Auntie to Jo. We don't talk daily and sometimes don't see eachother all that often even though she lives across town. I think we saw more of each other and talked more when she was living out of town. I don't know that I will get to see her today on her birthday, but will see her soon I'm sure.

    Happiest of Birthdays Little Sister!
    If I had to choose a sister, I would have picked you!

    posted by Northern Mom @ 11:17 p.m.   6 comments
    Just cause she's too cute
    In the Jet Tub!
    The girls had just enough water to cover the jets and the rest is bubbles! We (ok, I) really want what Jo calls a Jet tub!

    Walking with Uncle and Daddy into the Cookstown Outlet Mall.

     Posted by Picasa
    posted by Northern Mom @ 10:03 p.m.   2 comments
    The flight to Egypt would have been quicker
    We were on our way to Egypt on Friday night. Egypt Ontario. It's a little town not far from the Sutton/Keswick area. Hubby's brother built a house there a few years ago and this is the first time I've seen it finished. We left Sudbury around 6 and stopped in Alban to gas up. Fortunate for us we had cash, the debit machines were out. We got a little further down the highway just past a little town called Britt where all the traffic was stopped. We waited about half an hour while police and volunteer fire fighters were the only vehicles moving. I finally called the OPP and asked what was happening. Turns out there was a Hydro Pole on fire and they had no idea how long it would be before the traffic would be moving again. We decided to back track back to Alban and cut across to Sturgeon Falls and take Highway 11 to Barrie and cut across from there. We were about 3/4 of an hour into the backtracking when Jo started coughing and ended up puking in her car seat. We got her cleaned up and back on the road we went. We finally arrived at our destination at 2am. The four hour trip took twice as much time. It was brutal.

    The weekend went great! Jo had a great time with her cousin who is 6 and had a great time at the party for her new cousin who is due in a few weeks. It should be fun explaining why the baby isn't in Amanda's tummy anymore when they all arrive for Christmas.

    Sunday started with a massage. Hubby's sister in law is an RMT. The massage was followed by some warehouse sales in Toronto and then off to the Cookstown Outlet Mall. We then said our goodbye's and just as hubby was filling the truck with gas just before Barrie, guess who was puking again. Hubby went in to pay for the gas and someone made a comment about a child being outside without any clothes on. She had her panties on and hubby informed the commenter that the child was his and was car sick. Jo was cleaned and dressed and had to go into McD's for Chicken and Fries. We tried to get her to wait, but it just didn't happen. We were kinda worried about her being car sick again, but she was fine. We either have to pinpoint what is making her sick on some trips or give her Gravol before we get into the car. She doesn't do it all the time so I'm not sure what causes it.

    We haven't done anything as far as the renovations go. I think we are going to make the new living room "livable" for Christmas and then worry about getting it all done in the New Year when we aren't under time constraints. I just don't think we have the time to get it all done in time. We are removing a closet that has the chimney in it. When we get the new furnace we are hoping to get rid of the chimney so I think it will just be easier to do everything all at once and if the family doesn't like the unfinished room then they can go home. There is too much else to get done. We are having 6 adults and 3 kids sleeping here over the holidays so we really need to make some sleeping room.

    I have so many blogs to check up on and reply to them....maybe I'll find the time tonight...maybe I won't.

    I do have a cutie from Jo....We were driving to gymnastics on Thursday afternoon and she was so excited about the "Macano Erupting" She kept saying it and finally we figured out what she was talking about. We live across town from the Superstack but you can see it from all over the city. She thought is was a volcano.....Last night she was being a typical 3 year old and hubby went to move off a kitchen chair to grab her so I could finish brushing her hair. When he moved one of the rungs on the kitchen chair broke off and she exclaimed "Daddy, what am I going to do with you? You need to go for a time out" Hubby and I both just about busted a gut listening to her. She is such a little grown up sometimes....

    Maybe another post tomorrow...maybe I'll get on the meme that Chrissy didn't tag me for last week...LOL
    posted by Northern Mom @ 8:58 p.m.   1 comments
    Monday, November 20, 2006
    Busy, Busy, Busy
    The bedroom is done, except for a bedroom door and our window blind should be in tomorrow.

    This is the old bedroom and the fancy curtain which is actually a table cloth is covering the patio door.

    The view from the kitchen. We are hosting Christmas Eve for Hubby's family and we will have 6 extra adults and 3 extra kids staying over the holidays too. We really have to get our act together....HELP

     Posted by Picasa
    posted by Northern Mom @ 9:30 p.m.   5 comments
    Tuesday, November 14, 2006
    My Little Painter....
    Jo is such a great helper.....well at least she's cute!

    This is the new bedroom. The plaster in the picture is actually still wet and we still need the second coat of paint on the rest of the room. I was hoping to be moved into it this week, but it looks more like the weekend. Hubby is working late tonight and I managed to get the plaster sanded and burnished so all that is left is the second coat and the harwood floors are going to need a good cleaning.

    I'm back to work in full capacity as of yesterday. I really miss being able to come home at noon or 3 or whenever. I'm back into the swing of things just like I never left (LOL) It's actually really nice to be back in a routine.

    The snow is melted from the driveway, but the back yard is still covered except where Jo and the dog have been. I shouldn't be suprised that got the snow this early. If I think back to when hubby used to deer hunt in Calabogie, we almost always came home to snow. It just bites....I hate the snow.

    I should be off. I got nothing accomplished last night. I was in bed at 730 with a migraine and slept until 630 this morning. I doubt I'll get anything accomplished tonight either. I hear a book and my pillow calling my name!

    Hey, did you guys know that November is Adoption Awareness Month? I had no idea until I read it over at Stir Up Queens. I'll have to look into it more and see if I can come up with something appropriate to write about it.

    posted by Northern Mom @ 9:38 p.m.   1 comments
    Sunday, November 12, 2006
    No time to Blog
    We got dumped on in a huge way....I'm thankful that K was here to help!

    In more ways than one!

    This was last night....As of right now I have that coat finished and I have one coat of primer to do on the other walls. Hopefully by Tuesday or Wednesday I'll be done!

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    posted by Northern Mom @ 1:02 p.m.   7 comments
    Saturday, November 11, 2006
    As Canadian as Danigirl!
    Only I won't attempt in french!! So maybe not as Canadian...but I'm married to a frenchman so that should give me bonus points!

    You are 100% Canuck!

    You rock, you are an almighty Canadian through and through. You have proven your worthiness and have won the elite prize of living in a country as awesome as Canada. Yes I know other countries think they are better, but we let them have that cuz we know better than they do, eh?

    How Canadian Are You?
    Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

    posted by Northern Mom @ 9:29 p.m.   0 comments
    Wednesday, November 08, 2006
    One Room Done
    I don't have much energy to even type tonight. Jo's room is now done and we will start on our bedroom tomorrow night. I still have to put all the stuff in her closet and get some stuff on the walls, but that will be another day! I'll try and dig up some before and after pics one of these fine days....Off to bed

    Daddy's little helper

    Plaster on the left, paint on the right

    The view from her doorway

     Posted by Picasa
    posted by Northern Mom @ 9:02 p.m.   7 comments
    Monday, November 06, 2006
    Sharing a Link
    My sister sent me this link
    Might be a good one for this time of year!
    If not for buying, at least for ideas!
    posted by Northern Mom @ 9:12 p.m.   1 comments
    Tagged by Christine over at Life on Manitoulin

    First name? Barbara

    Were you named after anyone? I think The Beach Boys were pretty popular around the time I was born

    When did you last cry? Watching ER a couple of weeks after my surgery when Abby had her hysterectomy

    Do you like your handwriting? Nope, even my boss has commented on how bad it is(and you should see his!)

    What is your favorite lunchmeat? Black Forest Ham

    If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I think so...Most days I like myself

    Do you have a journal? No..see the handwriting question above

    Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.

    Would you bungee jump? I'm not sure....

    What is your favorite cereal? Oatmeal either hot or the new Crisp style

    Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Most of my shoes don't have laces...but those that have them...Nope

    Do you think you're strong? Depends on who is around...emotionally in front of people I can be pretty strong...Physically...If I have to be...

    What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Ben and Jerry's anything

    Shoe size? Anwhere between and 7 and 9

    Red or pink? Red

    What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I don't like that I still smoke

    Who do you miss the most? My Paternal Grandmother, I'm told I'm just like her. She died almost 22 years ago

    What color pants, shirt and shoes are you wearing? Blue Pants, striped shirt and no shoes

    Do you want everyone to send this back to you? Sure

    Last thing you ate? Spaghetti

    What are you listening to right now? Hubby banging around upstairs painting Jo's room

    If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Magenta..just 'cause I love the way it sounds

    Favorite smell? Lilacs

    Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? A contractor at work

    The first thing you notice about people you are attracted to? Men....fore arms..

    Do you like the person you stole this from? I would love to get to know her better! But I so far I like her!

    Favorite drink? Used to be Pepsi, now I'm just a water girl

    Favorite sport? To watch: Curling or Golf both are relaxing to doze in front of the TV watching

    Eye color? brown

    Hat size? Ummmm

    Do you wear contacts? Nope

    Favorite food? Anything my brother makes (he's a chef)

    Scary movies or happy endings? Happy.

    Summer or winter? Summer, but sunny winter days are awesome too

    Hugs or kisses? Hugs

    Favorite dessert? My Mom's Pumpkin Pie

    Who is most likely to respond? Not sure..

    What books are you reading? Just finished Barbara Delinksy's "The Stud" and started on another one of hers

    What's on your mouse pad? Don't need one with this mouse

    What did you watch last night on TV? Didn't watch any last night

    Favorite sounds? Jo giggling

    Rolling Stones or Beatles? Beatles

    What is your special talent? Don't really have one....unless you count the stiletto heels I sold on eBay once(to a man)

    Where were you born? In the hospital

    Who sent this to you? Christine

    Anyone else wanna play????
    posted by Northern Mom @ 8:32 p.m.   1 comments
    Sunday, November 05, 2006
    Hot Dog, May He Rest In Peace
    Sometime between last night and this morning Jo's beloved Siamese Fighting Fish went to the big fishbowl in the sky. I discovered this as I was filling a jug with fresh water to clean his bowl.

    I had no idea how to handle this one. I was hoping Walmart would carry this type of fish, but sadly they don't. I called Hubby and asked what he wanted to do and he said he would explain it to her. By the time I got home she told me that Hot Dog wanted to go and see his other friends and he was dead and she flushed him down the toilet. Not quite the reaction I thought I'd get from her!

    I wonder if this story will work when one of my mom's cats passes away. Timmy is all but gone and nobody was ever able pet him except Jo. Will she believe that he missed his mommy and has gone to look for her? I might need help with this one.

    Hot will be missed(I think)
    posted by Northern Mom @ 10:55 p.m.   4 comments
    Saturday, November 04, 2006
    Plastered to Plastering...
    2 Weeks ago I was well on my way to being Plastered....
    This Saturday I Plastered a wall...Using the same color as the link!
    Can my life swing so differently in such a short span??

    I'll post pics when we are done. Hopefully paint tomorrow and by next weekend Jo will be moved back into her room and I'll be plastering mine!!
    posted by Northern Mom @ 10:56 p.m.   3 comments
    About Me

    Name: Northern Mom
    Home: Northern Ontario, Canada
    About Me: There isn't too much to tell. I'm Mommy to Jo, wife to Hubby. I'm the oldest of 3 siblings and 4 step siblings, Auntie to a whole bunch of kids and Great Auntie to a few as well! I'm back to working 9-5 with no weekends or nights so keeping up with everything is a challenge!
    See my complete profile
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