Northern Mom

You'll find topics of all kinds I'm sure! I only wish that I had more time to devote to blogging. Maybe some day when Jo is a little older I'll be able to do daily entries....maybe

The WeatherPixie
Some Favourite Blogs
  • Postcards from the Mothership
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  • The Emma Report
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  • Hanging in there
  • Silver Creek Musings
  • the thinking square
  • So Close
  • The Infertile Turtle
  • Ordinary Stuff
  • Molly Misadventure
  • a peek inside the fish bowl
  • All The Blogs I Read
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  • Monday, September 24, 2007
    Happy Birthday
    I have yet to post about the first day of school, or how well she has adjusted, or the first dance class, or the progress she is making in the pool, or a million other things that are going on around here to keep us busy.

    My baby will be 4 tomorrow....where has the time gone???
    posted by Northern Mom @ 9:27 p.m.   4 comments
    Tuesday, September 04, 2007
    Mommy, Was I in Your Tummy?
    I was really hoping that this question would wait until Jo was 8, 9 maybe even 30. It came the night before we put the dog down. Great timing.

    Here's how the conversation went

    Jo: Mommy was I in your Tummy?
    Me: No sweetie you weren't
    Jo: Why not?
    Me:Because my tummy was broken
    Jo:Why didn't the Doctor fix it
    Me:I don't know, he tried
    Jo:What was wrong with it
    Me: I'm not sure
    Jo:So, whose tummy was I in?
    (this is where I really start to squirm)
    Me:There was a very special lady that knew we wanted a baby girl. She had a baby girl in her tummy and when you were born she gave you to us at the hospital.
    Jo:Mom, can we talk about this? (her arms are crossed and she's looking very serious)
    Me:Sure we can talk about this
    Jo:Why couldn't the Doctor fix your tummy?
    Me:I really don't know

    That was it, she took off to play with some of her toys and has only asked a few more questions.
    I went to Chapters and picked up Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born which was written by Jamie Lee Curtis. It's a great way to try and explain it.

    She's mentioned the Special Lady once or twice since then, but is more concerned that my tummy is broken more than anything else.

    posted by Northern Mom @ 10:34 p.m.   5 comments
    Where did August go?
    The end of July brought Grandpa for a visit! He was actually here for his birthday and we had a great visit with him and some of hubby's brothers who popped in to visit too! While we were on our way to Calabogie, Grandpa was off to Timmins for a 50th Wedding Anniversary for his brother and wife.

    We went to Calabogie for a party this time! In November my grandparents will be celebrating their 65th Wedding Anniversary so a party was planned when the weather is much more agreeable to have an outdoor party. It was great to see family members that we haven't seen in a long time and there were friends that we hadn't seen in a long time either!

    Congrats to Nana and Grampa and Happy Birthday to both of you! They were both 85 on the 22nd and the 23rd of August. My grandfather is one day older than my Nana!

    The day after the party brought some friends from Ottawa to visit for the afternoon! We all had an amazing time. I can't wait to meet the little girl that Jo is feeling in this picture. I think she was feeling one of her feet. This spawned a great conversation when we got home. That might be whole new post in itself!

    On Monday night we packed up the trailer and made the short drive to Cobden and checked in to the Campground at Logos Land. It was a nice enough resort, but we were spoiled so far this summer with flat campgrounds. We learned to double check when making reservations to make sure the lot is level. I think we had to jack about 3 feet in the front to level out and we didn't need the step at the back door at all.

    There was lots for the kids to do including the Petting Zoo

    The Red Racing Slide was Jo's favourite, but Alex preferred the Blue Slides. They were a little slower! It would seem that I have a little Dare Devil on my hands. I have a bunch of pictures posted here.

    Stay tuned for the rest of August. I'll try and get to it tomorrow night!
    posted by Northern Mom @ 9:40 p.m.   1 comments
    About Me

    Name: Northern Mom
    Home: Northern Ontario, Canada
    About Me: There isn't too much to tell. I'm Mommy to Jo, wife to Hubby. I'm the oldest of 3 siblings and 4 step siblings, Auntie to a whole bunch of kids and Great Auntie to a few as well! I'm back to working 9-5 with no weekends or nights so keeping up with everything is a challenge!
    See my complete profile
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