Northern Mom

You'll find topics of all kinds I'm sure! I only wish that I had more time to devote to blogging. Maybe some day when Jo is a little older I'll be able to do daily entries....maybe

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  • Monday, January 08, 2007 promised
    1am December 25th, 2006

    12 short hours later...

    Our holidays were great! It was quiet and busy all at the same time, but it a comfortable kind of way. We had company for the weekend and then had a bunch of Hubby's family over on Sunday night for a huge dinner and night of fun for all. By 10 just about everyone was gone and the house was tidied with everyone's help. Jo was sound asleep and I still had gifts to wrap.....I put Hubby and one of his brothers to bed at 2 and was actually awake just before Jo at a reasonable 8am on Christmas morning. Every year just gets better and better and we learned this year that there was just too much for her. She was actually tired of opening gifts at one point and was content to just play with what she had opened. Next year things will be scaled down some (remind me that I have said that...)

    Hubby and I got new cellphones from Santa and of course a bunch of other goodies too! Did I mention the diamond earrings that were in my stocking?

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    You have to look really closely to see the diamonds, but they are there!

    We spent a very quiet day with just the 3 of us and all of us had naps. I napped longer than the other 2, but after running non stop for 2 weeks it was well deserved. We had a supper of left overs from Christmas Eve and just relaxed for the night.

    I wanted to head out on Boxing Day early to get to the Island. I didn't get left here until noon. Hubby's sister in law is a Registered Massage Therapist and she had to do a follow up of the 90 minute massage that she had given me on Saturday. By the time we were done that and packed for the day I got left much later than I had wanted, but had a great time as it was. Jo and I spent a couple of hours in Little Current and then went down the road towards Chrissy's (I hopped of Highway 6 at Orr Road) and spent a few hours there with more friends and then back to Little Current for a late supper and we were crossing the bridge to come home by 9:45.

    It was our plan at one point to go to camp for New Year's Eve as always, but Jo had a cold and we were both exhausted from 3 days of year end stuff at work that we decided to stay home. We had a last minute family night on New Year's Eve. I had asked for one of these for Christmas so it was Mexican night with my sister and her family, my brother and my mom and step dad popped in after my mom was done work. At midnight I was the only one awake, wished myself a Happy New Year and went to bed with a book. How exciting are we?

    Krazzy K came to stay the week after New Year's to babysit Jo while Laurie jetted off to Jamaica to take her dad home. My thoughts have been with her and her family since she left. I can't imagine how difficult this trip must have been for her. Her dad was young, only 61. This week Jo is spending the days with her Auntie.

    Things have been hectic around here. Hubby is changing all the carpet tiles at one of the call centers here in town and they don't want production interupted so he is working midnight to 8am. He will be doing this for the next 4 to 6 weeks or maybe longer. He is coming home in the morning and trying to get some sleep and then heads back to bed around 7 to be up by 11. This is hell with Jo. She doesn't understand that Daddy needs his sleep and because she has been spoiled by him at bedtime, I now have to be the one to lay down with her until she falls asleep. He has created a monster and if it weren't for the fact that I know he needs his sleep I'd let her fuss and cry on her own(like I do when he's not home, but that's a whole other topic).

    I've gotten some much needed house work done. I spent Sunday in the bathroom organizing everything. You can't imagine how many bottles of shampoo you can hide on the shelves that only have a little bit left. Hairspray bottles multiply when they are empty. Elastics, barrettes, have no idea how much of this stuff we have. I shouldn't have to buy elastics for Jo's hair again until she heads to college. Today after work I cleaned the outside and top of my fridge. I soon have to start mucking the basement again too. It's time to purge and just get rid of some of the stuff that is piled in the closets. I have to get some bins and store some toys so that when Jo is bored I can rotate and give her "new" toys that she has forgotten about. Maybe I'll get that started this can hope.

    I have been taking the time at work to check my blog roll and keep up with everyone, I just can't find the time to respond properly or even keep up on my own blog......

    Oh ya and....Happy 42nd Birthday to Hubby this past Saturday!
    posted by Northern Mom @ 9:38 p.m.  
    • At 11:13 p.m., Blogger Unknown said…

      So happy to hear you had a lovely holiday! It sounds like you guys had a great time. By the looks of all the pressies, you guys were all taken care of by good 'ol Santa Claus! Love the earrings, btw! Oh, and happy belated b-day to your Hubby!

      Barb....we must eventually try to meet up if you're on the Island :) I know you've got people to see up here too, but it would be nice! I'll be in Sudbury again in Feb. to drop off a student at the airport!

    • At 7:55 a.m., Blogger Silver Creek Mom said…

      Merry Christmas Happy New Year.

      Looks like Jo got spoiled this year and she wasn't the only one. Wonderful Earrrings. Jack won't buy me something like that. BUT that's ok I got Ladies Tickets!!!

      Talk soon.

      Love ya

    • At 4:34 p.m., Blogger BeachMama said…

      Merry Christmas :) and Happy New Year ;). Looks like both you girls were spoiled this Christmas. Your earings are gorgeous and I didn't have a hard time finding the diamonds.

      We rotate toys here too, it makes things much neater and more fun for sure.

      Hope Hubby had a great birthday!

    • At 10:54 a.m., Blogger nancy said…

      Wow - great update!!!

      New phone, beautiful diamond earrings AND a quesadilla maker??


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    Name: Northern Mom
    Home: Northern Ontario, Canada
    About Me: There isn't too much to tell. I'm Mommy to Jo, wife to Hubby. I'm the oldest of 3 siblings and 4 step siblings, Auntie to a whole bunch of kids and Great Auntie to a few as well! I'm back to working 9-5 with no weekends or nights so keeping up with everything is a challenge!
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