I have to tell you that this working mom stuff is tough. It wasn't so bad when I was working Thursday to Monday and had some evening hours. 830 to 5 is going to take some getting used to. Getting myself ready, getting Jo ready and out the door by 810 is crazy some mornings. Jo is getting a little more independent each day which works in my favour some times, but the stubborn streak can really slow me down. I have settled in to the new job well. The more I do, the more I remember what to do from 31 months ago when I left the position. I'm learning more of the payables and inventory now instead of just the receivables. The computer system is really very easy. The company uses RFMS for all the entry. I think in another week or two, I should be fine! The days go by quickly which is a good thing. My office has a window that overlooks the warehouse and Hubby was loading his truck on Friday afternoon when I heard him say, "She better be or she's in big trouble" to the boss. I asked him about it later and he said that the boss told him that I was working really hard and he's impressed with how quick I'm picking everything up. It was a nice feeling to hear that. On to the beginning of the renos. It was a beautiful weekend and we spent most of it outside. Hubby was a busy boy doing this: Removing the Siding
About the take the Tar Paper off
Almost time to knock the wall down
Bracing from the inside Almost level and ready Done!
We learned this weekend that the original house is made from 2x6's, insulated with sawdust and was only 18 feet wide. Can you imagine? 30 x 18 and no basement. If you look at the pictures up near the roof the gray part on the left is the addition. All went well and I have great video of Jo pulling the sawdust out of the walls. Hubby did great! He had very little help and as much as Jo wanted to help, she just couldn't. So the next few weeks will be more windows, siding and then we are heading to Renfrew for a wedding on June 3rd and will likely have the driveway paved the week prior. My brother is moving out this coming week and hopefully by nest weekend I will have a proper office set up in the room which he has been in for the last 4 years. I'm hoping to get into a routine one of these days, to properly email, read and respond to blogs and just have 10 minutes of peace to myself. Hubby is working very late tomorrow night, so I'm on my own. Here are some weekend pics! Is it just me or does she look about 12 in this picture? She's on top of the step ladder! She has no fear either!
Happy Monday
You are leading a most exciting life!! New job, major renos and WOW a little girl who sure doesn't look so little.
That was bloody fast tearing a wall down and replacing window with door. Impressive!!