Northern Mom

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  • Monday, April 03, 2006
    Thirty Seven and a Half Hours
    There are so many things that can be done in that amount of time. Just as one example, my step sister's water broke at 530am and is only 4cm dilated after 17 hours. At this rate it could take a whole lot longer. I think you can drive from Ontario to Vancouver in 37 hours too. That I could be wrong about.

    Last Thursday morning I set out at 8 am on a surprise of sorts. I am part of a small group of ladies that all met online. Most live fairly close together and there are a few of us who are further away. Me being one of them. When we have our weekend together once a year I am the one who gets to get on an airplane (I'm not complaining) and fly to Ottawa and then Silver Creek Mom picks me up from there and we head away for a weekend of fun. Because I live 500km from the main part of the group, I tend to miss out on playgroups, suppers and other get togethers. I have to admit that I've been really lucky, because when the ladies know I'll be in town they make an effort to have a get together with me.

    On the March Break I spent part of it in Silver Creek and we had a great weekend with the kids, friends, shopping, sleighride and a little bit of wine. While I was there plans were already in the works for a supper at the end of March. I kinda hinted that I might make the effort to attend, but being a 5 to 6 hour drive the chances were slim.

    I emailed Beachmama and invited myself to sleep at her house and she then was part of the surprise. I called SCM(Silver Creek Musings) from the highway asking her what she thought the temperature was in Ottawa. She thought it was around 14 or 15 and I told her that it was 17 and that I could be driving with the sunroof open. It took her a minute or 2 and then she shrieked when she realized where I was. I spent some time shopping and then went to Beachmama's house where we visited and then got ready for supper. When we arrived, 2 of the gals from the group were still in the parking lot and both did a double take when they saw me! It was great. I loved the look of surprise as they strolled into the restaurant and then realized I was there. Twinmom kept asking if I was for real! I spent the night and then did a little more shopping and then went to my grandparents for a quick visit before heading home. They were surprised as well and Nana told my mom on the weekend that I was crazy to drive all that way for supper. It was well worth the trip. Who knew that you could become such good friends with a bunch that met online. The weather was perfect for travel, without Jo I could play the music as loud as I wanted, I broke the speed limit a few times(Ok, most of the trip) and was back home and in my house by 930 on Friday evening. Had hubby been off on Saturday I would have stayed another day, but all worked out well.

    I came home with a smile on my face, most of the Nemo product from the Disney Store, an easel and a few other odds and ends from IKEA and of course a few things from TRU.

    I truly felt refreshed. So I guess in thirty seven and half hours, many things are possible!

    Would I do it again? You bet! Even when I paid 103.9/litre for gas! I was well worth every minute. And did I mention what a wonderful hostess Beachmama is?
    posted by Northern Mom @ 10:05 p.m.  
    • At 12:08 a.m., Blogger twinmomplusone said…

      often in life it's those crazy spontaneous things we do that are the best :)

      what a great thing you did for yourself, time on your own and time with girlfriends for chitchatting, now that's the best

      I for one was really excited to see you there having missed you two weeks ago

      ...and you were for real and looking pretty damn good too!!!

      till we meet again

    • At 6:51 a.m., Blogger BeachMama said…

      I love being part of surprises. Ah, it was great to have you. And you were the easiest guest ever!! I loved having you and you are welcome anytime. Hopefully, on your next visit it will be just a few degrees warmer out back and the grass will be a little greener :).

      Dinner was great too!

    • At 9:51 a.m., Blogger Good Things I Find said…

      Wow that's a whirl wind trip! You'll have to talk your gang into a get together up your way.

    • At 12:19 p.m., Blogger DaniGirl said…

      I'm SOOOOOOO sorry I missed dinner. We had swim lessons that night. But what fun it must have been to see everybody's faces!!!

      When Beloved lived in London and I lived here, more than once I drove the 12+ hrs return to surprise him. It was always worth it!!

    • At 8:47 a.m., Blogger Silver Creek Mom said…

      Your a nut and I loved that you let me in on the secert just a little before everyone else. If I could ahve I would have been in Ottawa hang out with you for the afternoon.

      I love going home feeling rested.

    • At 11:02 a.m., Blogger nancy said…

      Surprises are the best!!! Your 37.5 hours were chockfull - and how great to have some time to yourself, even if you had to drive.

      Heck, I savour the 2 hours alone when the boys are at preschool.

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    Name: Northern Mom
    Home: Northern Ontario, Canada
    About Me: There isn't too much to tell. I'm Mommy to Jo, wife to Hubby. I'm the oldest of 3 siblings and 4 step siblings, Auntie to a whole bunch of kids and Great Auntie to a few as well! I'm back to working 9-5 with no weekends or nights so keeping up with everything is a challenge!
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